Partners of the Right Place
Economic development is a team sport. 这就是为什么我们在整个地区和州的合作伙伴对我们成功推动大急流城地区的长期经济增长和繁荣至关重要.
Hello West Michigan
The Right Place's strategic partner, Hello West Michigan致力于吸引和留住西密歇根州的世界级人才和公司. 这种伙伴关系允许两个组织更好地利用另一个组织的资产, addressing the region’s talent shortage, getting job candidates connected, and finding talent for employers.
Hello West Michigan offers the following services, catering to both job seekers and West Michigan employers alike:
- One-stop shop website for people interested in relocating to West Michigan
- Job Portal featuring open positions at member companies
- Candidate Database: Relocating, new in town, or a trailing significant other? Upload your resume here
- Events & trainings like career fairs, mixers, and ReThink West Michigan
Connect with Hello West Michigan
Rachel Gray
Executive Director, Hello West MichiganAs the Executive Director for Hello West Michigan, Rachel leads the organization’s strategy, operations, and membership. 她帮助雇主和潜在候选人了解该地区.
Jessica Kuster
Program Manager, Hello West MichiganJessica serves as the Program Manager for Hello West Michigan, where she oversees the internship and candidate connection programs, marketing and communication needs, and facilitates member orientation and training programs.
Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center-West (MMTC-West)
Since 1991, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center-West (MMTC-West) 在中小型制造商发展更强大业务的过程中担任值得信赖的顾问, drive innovation, promote excellence and achieve greater profitability.
As a strategic partner of The Right Place, MMTC-West的团队使我们能够为我们地区的制造公司提供更全面的经济发展服务选择. Advisers for MMTC-West provide objective, 为西密歇根地区13个县的制造商提供直接咨询和制造技术支持.
Connect with MMTC-West
René Booker
Program Manager, The Center-Westrenee Booker是密歇根制造技术中心西部(中西部)的项目经理。, providing support for events, marketing, and internal continuous improvement efforts. 她还支持The Right Place/中西部制造商和供应链管理委员会.
Terry Hossink
Vice President, Manufacturing ServicesTerry is responsible for The Right Place’s Manufacturing Services team. 他也是密歇根制造技术中心大急流城办公室团队的区域总监. 该团队与西密歇根州的中小型制造商合作,帮助他们获得持续改进的机会, development, growth, and transition with advanced manufacturing technologies.
Steven Lopez
Business Development Specialist, The Center-WestSteven Lopez是密歇根制造技术中心西部的一位经验丰富的业务发展专家, affiliated with The Right Place. Specializing in plant and production management, 史蒂文对卓越运营和精益流程充满热情. 他在推动工业4的卓越运营和创新方面的专业知识得到了广泛认可.0. As West Michigan's lead Industry 4.0 assessor, Steven conducts comprehensive Industry 4.0 assessments across West Michigan's 13 counties, 专注于识别提高运营绩效的技术. 服务于巴里县和肯特部分地区的中小型制造商, 他的工作在推动技术创新和促进密歇根州充满活力的制造业增长方面发挥了重要作用. Through these efforts, Steven在确保区域制造业在不断变化的全球格局中保持竞争力和创新方面发挥着至关重要的作用.
Sadie McKinstry
Business Development Specialist, The Center-WestSadie McKinstry是密歇根制造技术中心西部的业务发展专家, 主要服务于位于渥太华和阿勒甘县的中小型制造商.
Amy Winkler
Client Coordinator, The Center-WestAmy Winkler是the Right Place密歇根制造技术中心西部地区办事处的客户协调员, Inc. Amy coordinates customer consulting and training projects, user groups and workshops, 并监督这些活动是否符合合同报告要求.
Ben Wood
Business Development Specialist, The Center-WestBen负责与西密歇根州的中小型制造商合作, focusing on Mason, Lake, Osceola, Oceana, Newaygo, Mecosta, Muskegon, Montcalm, Ionia, and Northern Kent Counties. 他帮助他们评估持续改进和成长的机会.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) 国家的营销部门和领导倡导商业发展吗, talent and jobs, tourism, film and digital media incentives, arts and cultural grants, and overall economic growth.
Michigan Defense Center
The Michigan Defense Center 根据国防部(DoD)和国土安全部(DHS)的需求,确定密歇根州企业的增长机会. 国防中心帮助企业获得研发(R&D) resources in universities, federal laboratories, and industry, 以形成战略联盟,应对国防和国土安全方面的新挑战.
The Regional Air Alliance
区域航空联盟(RAA)是一个私营组织,致力于在该地区提供世界级的商业航空服务. 它的目标是作为改善西密歇根州航空服务的催化剂,造福当地居民, businesses, and visitors.
RAA's ongoing initiatives are focused on the following areas:
- Airport passenger service quality
- Airport operating performance bench-marking
- Air service economic impact analysis
- Airline service retention
- Airline service recruitment
Mission: To pursue, through research, study, analysis and experimentation, the advancement, 改善和促进西密歇根州的商业航空服务,以造福在该地区开展业务的居民和公司. 我们的目标是确定改善的商业航空服务如何有助于提高居民的生活质量和更有效的商业运作.
News from the Gerald R. Ford International Airport
Find the latest news and updates from the Gerald R. Ford International Airport on the News page.
Regional Economic Development Alliances
Right Place服务于西密歇根州13个县中的6个, including: Kent, Ionia, Lake, Newaygo, Montcalm and Oceana. 这些服务是通过与整个区域几个地方经济发展联盟的伙伴关系向这些社区提供的.
Ionia County Economic Alliance (ICEA)
代表当地公司,并致力于留住和吸引企业到爱奥尼亚州 Ionia County Economic Alliance (ICEA) 提供全面的经济发展服务,包括业务保留, expansion, and attraction support to Ionia County businesses.
Lake County Economic Development Alliance (LCEDA)
The Lake County Economic Development Alliance’s 使命是创造一个统一的愿景,促进湖县独特的资源,包括历史, 提高当地经济能力的自然和文化设施.
Chamber Alliance of Mason County
The mission of the Chamber Alliance of Mason County is to promote business, enhance economic and community development, 并成为改善梅森县整体生活质量的催化剂.
Mecosta County Development Corporation (MCDC)
The MCDC’s 使命是促进和启动经济发展,扩大和多样化的梅科斯塔县的经济, thereby creating job opportunities for area residents.
Montcalm Economic Alliance (MEA)
In January 2015, the Montcalm Economic Alliance re-energized its organization and partnered with The Right Place, West Michigan’s leading economic development organization, to provide economic development services for Montcalm County.
Newaygo County Economic Development Partnership (NCEDP)
“皇冠博彩”与纽瓦戈县的社区领袖合作,确保长期创造就业机会, investment, and overall economic prosperity for the county. This partnership was amplified in 2022 with the establishment of the Newaygo County Economic Development Partnership.
Oceana County Economic Alliance (OCEA)
The Oceana County Economic Alliance 是否有一个组织是为了协助奥西阿纳县的商业发展需要而成立的,其使命是通过加强人才来创造一个多样化的经济环境, leveraging resources, and supporting the retention, expansion, attraction, and creation of Oceana County businesses.